Gonçalo Guerreiro

María Torres

María Torres is an actress and artistic director of the Elefante Elegante Teatro where she has created, performed and directed with Gonçalo Guerreiro close to thirty shows to date.

She graduated in Business Studies at the University of A Coruña at the same time she has began her theatrical career. She has worked as an actress in different university theater groups, also joining the companies Catrabucha Teatro, Teatro da Bufarda, Librescena Teatro, Espello Concavo, Trinke Trinke and Teatro do Alacrán.

She created and directed different shows for the companies Traspediante (Galicia), Trigo Limpo Teatro Acert (Portugal) and Centro Dramático Galego.

She obtained a scholarship to study a postgraduation course in Dramatic Art organized by the University of Santiago de Compostela. The classroom experience with the Toulouse National Theater director Jacques Nichet and the french actress and director Claude Buschvald has profoundly transformed her view of theater. She embarked on a six-year journey through Europe, where she met important teachers: she studied Commedia dell’Arte with Antonio Fava in Italy and Theatre Anthropology with Eugenio Barba in Spain and Poland.

As a scholarship holder from the Deputation of A Coruña, she graduated from the Ècole Lassaad in Brussels, following Jacques Lecoq’s pedagogy of movement studies.