

“Best Performance” María Casares Theater Awards 2013

(…) This silent comedy naturally conveys, in several ways, how everyday situations are assumed. The island set increases or decreases depending on how the character´s relationship progresses. The story explains directly what many political speeches do not transmit and what many ministerial orders conceal. (…) It is told through the clowns’ movements and mischievous attitudes. Complications exist, as well as the solutions that we, as adults, do not always want to give. It is all there, although it might not seem so. That is one of the great virtues of the show. After all, what our important stories need is to find someone that can tell them in a simple manner. And if a happy ending is possible, even better. Camilo Franco in “La Voz de Galicia” Fugas. Page 4, April the 5th 2013

Nuncabunga is a wordless, comical and poetic show. The action takes place in a space which evokes the proximity of the sea where a woman has set up residence. On a stormy day a man appears tangled in nets, just like the rest of the waste that the sea throws to shore. He has no home and no food but is determined to stay put. Will they be able to get along and come to an understanding?

Author María Torres and Gonçalo Guerreiro Director María Torres and Gonçalo Guerreiro Actors María Torres and Gonçalo Guerreiro Movement Director Alfredo Muíño Stage Design Gonçalo Guerreiro Music Mano Panforreteiro Costumes and Props María Chenut Lighting and Graphic Design Dani Pais